Tuesday, February 25, 2014

TOL Banned Joey 0001

Are you Peter Pan?

Never give up.

Does Michael Jordan quit?

What do you do?

When life give you lemons, make lemonade. When the going gets tough, the tough gets going.

Smell what the Rock is cooking?

Don't be sad, mad, bad.

Get glad, rad, dad!

Eat Christ.

Eat Oatmeal.

Do what is right?

Do what is best?

Give in to peer-pressure?

Everybody's doing it?

Do not follow the crowd.

Follow the Cross.

My name is Joey Arnold, the Original Oatmeal, L4OJ. 

Back in 2011,  I was banned fromTheologyOnline.com for posting a music video of a Jesus parody where a man in ancient underwear and a Jesus Beard walks around singing the song "I Will Survive, Hey Hey."

I am also banished fromFacebook.com and evenCouchSurfing.org

I am Joey Arnold. I get banned from websites. Here is one. This one is called TheologyOnline.com I think & the owner is named Knight there. I was totally forever banned from his site back in 2011:

Former Title:


Former Title:

Joey Arnold is Knight

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Knight is Oatmeal Joey Arnold L4OJ GYJO NLG WOLBI WWJD TSA TOL Theologyonline Theology Online.

KnightIsJoeyArnold. Knight is Oatmeal Joey Arnold L4OJ GYJO NLG WOLBI WWJD TSA TOL Theologyonline Theology Online.


This is Google's cache of http://www.theologyonline.com/. It is a snapshot of the page as it appeared on May 4, 2011 22:06:57 GMT. The current page could have changed in the meantime. Learn more

These search terms are highlighted: theologyonlineknightisjoeyarnold

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Go to first new post The Quintessential Gospel
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» The Two Gospels and Adoption, the Basis of Eternal Security
Mar 08, 2011 - 4:05 PM - by Knight

A note from Knight about this article: Several years back my first pastor and professor of theology gave me several of his writings and gave me permission to publish them on TOL. His name is Bob Hill and many of you know him as he used to post here on TOL. I intend to publish several of these gems in the future because I think you will really enjoy them. The first one is called "The Two Gospels and Adoption, the Basis of Eternal Security" and it really does a marvelous job explaining our security in the Body of Christ. Sadly, the document that I have didn't bring forward the Greek words correctly and many of the footnotes are missing. However, I think you will still find this article to be a marvelous piece of work from a neat guy and a great Bible teacher.

The Two Gospels and Adoption, the Basis of Eternal Security
- By Bob Hill

I knew a couple who had two children. They were... [Read More]
 88 Replies | 1,812 Views
» The 2010 TOL Posts of the Year Awards
Dec 20, 2010 - 1:05 PM - by Knight
January 1st is the biggest event of the year on TheologyOnline!

January 1st is the day of the biggest event of the year on TheologyOnline.com, yes, it's the 2010 Posts of the Year awards with your host, Knight (that's me). As you know every year (since 2002) I countdown the greatest posts made on TOL every year. You may ask yourself "how are these posts picked"? Well, the picking goes something like this.... I round-up all the Post of the Day picks that I have made each year and then a team of 300 experts in every field known to man rates each post on a points system based on hundreds of factors and variables, (each score is then multiplied by .23) after that process is complete the posts are placed on a spinning wheel and monkeys throw their own fecal matter against the wheel. Posts that accumulate the most fecal matter are awarded extra points. After that process is complete I personally review the results and then throw the results into an... [Read More]
 246 Replies | 5,561 Views
» Almost 80% of all abortions in New York City were Black or Hispanic
Dec 01, 2010 - 10:24 AM - by Knight

There is an excellent article on Jill Stanek's blog about the high rate of abortion in the minority community. I highly recommend that you read the entire article here.

The blog raises the tough question: just who is targeting who? The number of aborted blacks, according to the Centers for Disease Control, outnumbers the next leading 7 causes of death among blacks combined.

Between 1999-2008 there were 922,272 abortions in New York City. Of these:

- 50,382 (5.5%) were Asian
- 101, 856 (11%) were White
- 296,330 (32.1%) were Hispanic
- 430,515 (46.7%) were Black

79% of all abortions in New York City in that 10-yr period – 726,845 babies – were Black and Hispanic.

The article makes the bold claim that < b="">... [Read More] <>
 12 Replies | 1,500 Views
Nov 25, 2010 - 11:33 AM - by Knight
SALE IS OVER - Thank you to all of you who took advantage of the discount pricing.

Don't miss out on Black Friday this year at TheologyOnline.com. This Friday thru Monday only we will be offering ALL TOL premium memberships at half price! And yes this also applies to LIFETIME MEMBERSHIPS! This Friday 11-26-2010 thru Monday 11-29-2010 all TOL Premium memberships will be 50% off the normal price.

BRONZE MEMBERSHIPS will be reduced to $15 (normally $30)
SILVER MEMBERSHIPS will be reduced to $35 (normally $70)
GOLD MEMBERSHIPS will be reduced to $60 (normally $120)
... [Read More]
 55 Replies | 2,322 Views
» Amendment 62 Continues Long Road to Victory
Nov 04, 2010 - 11:26 AM - by Knight

Colorado's Personhood Amendment, Amendment 62, showed a gain over the 2008 attempt, and organizers are already mounting a campaign to try again.

The opposition to Amendment 62 was funded primarily by billion dollar abortion profiteer Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood's No on 62 campaign and abortionist Richard Grossman used outright lies to scare women, including claiming that women's eggs would have rights.

"Planned Parenthood has been fighting against us to protect their profit, we are fighting for Personhood to protect innocent lives," pointed out Leslie Hanks, co-sponsor of Amendment 62. "We look at this gain over 2008 as a victory - despite terrible adversity, and outrageous lies against us, we still gained in the polls, and babies' lived were saved. Each of those lives saved is priceless."

Out of several dozen pro-life initiatives, only two were ever attempted more than once, including Colorado's Personhood amendments. In only two years the Personhood movement has exploded nationwide, saving babies and changing hearts and minds through education... [Read More]
 9 Replies | 1,942 Views
» Pam Tebow, Mother of Heisman Trophy Winner, Endorses Colorado Personhood Amendment 62
Oct 18, 2010 - 1:47 PM - by Knight

Denver, CO – 10/18/2010 – Pam Tebow, mother of five including Denver Bronco Tim Tebow, has endorsed Colorado’s Personhood Amendment, Amendment 62, which is the only pro-life issue on the ballot anywhere in the U.S. in 2010.

“A child’s right to life begins at conception, not at birth. From conception, all children are people, made in the image and likeness of God. Thus, I support the Personhood amendment and appeal to Colorado voters to vote “yes” on amendment 62,” stated Pam Tebow, in support of Amendment 62.

Pam Tebow made headline news when she and Heisman-trophy winning son Tim Tebow appeared in a pro-life television ad during the 2010 Superbowl. The real headline story was not the ad, but Pam’s refusal to let doctor’s take her son’s life while she was pregnant. The ad was sponsored by Focus on the Family, which has also urged Colorado voters to vote “Yes” on Amendment 62.

In an interview with Focus on the Family, the Tebows explained the circumstances of Pam’s high-risk pregnancy. Pam recalled, “We went to see a doctor in the town we lived in and she said [he]... [Read More]
 7 Replies | 2,196 Views
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September 27th, 2010 02:39 PM
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4th Annual TOL-a-THON
August 23rd, 2010 11:54 AM
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Amendment 62 launches...
August 16th, 2010 04:30 PM
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ARTL Publishes...
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 The Bible and Abortion
May 27th, 2010 01:16 PM
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Amendment 62 /...
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 The Baptism of a Sage -...
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Intoxicated Imbeciles...
March 15th, 2010 04:24 PM
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Sodomy vs. Shellfish
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